Have you ever read something that was simultaneously simple and useless, and yet somehow poignant, amazing, and changed your day?
A few days ago the folks at torquemag.io published a piece on WordPress Maintenance that struck home here at The WordPress Helpers. It’s one of those pieces that says almost nothing, and yet at the same time says everything you need to understand and remember about WordPress maintenance and the guts of being a WordPress Handyman.
Most of the points in the torquemag article don’t require much thought, and some of them don’t really require much “being a WordPress Handyman” activity, at all; they’ll just happen if you put a few simple business processes in place.
Of course, WordPress/Handyman application or otherwise, those are the best kinds of tips. It’s one of those occasions when WordPress actually lives up to its easy-as-can-be reputation.
Source: torquemag.io
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