Envato Themes is The WalMart of WordPress Development

Envato Themes is The WalMart of WordPress Development

By The WordPress Helpers

Envato Themes is The Wal-Mart of WordPress Development

When we discussed the idea that Envato is a Monster, we focused on a particular business practice at Envato Themes that—if you were aware of it—might bother you whether you were a buyer or a seller at Envato. As it turns out the art we used in that piece fits this article even better; Envato is squashing small theme developers.

Envato Themes is The Walmart of WordPress

To a point, if you’re a buyer you might like that; Walmart-type entities push prices down, so until societal or quality issues crop up there being a “Walmart of WordPress” feels like a win. And some great things do come out of Envato, so this piece really isn’t a broad criticism of the world that Envato has created.

We’re also not going to talk about member count fraud, although Jami Gibbs’ article certainly touches on the subject.

But Jami makes a good point; the elimination—or at least reduction—of mom-and-pop developers has consequences that may not be positive. In round numbers, all the non-free products in our article on WordPress Theme and Page Builders cost about $100, including the one that works on a freemium model. This comment clued us to a freemium WordPress themes that our friend Danny Brown says is just as good … and costs a mere $19.

At least that author keeps the whole $19 by not selling the theme via Envato.

It’s a fair description; Envato is The Walmart of WordPress.

Source: Jami Gibbs 
Envato Themes is The WalMart of WordPress Development
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Envato Themes is The WalMart of WordPress Development
Article Title:
Envato Themes is The WalMart of WordPress Development
Who's the WalMart of WordPress? Envato. Do we to care about ideas like "Walmart of WordPress"? Maybe. The Walmart of WordPress reduces prices, after all.