How (Not) to Do Redacted Text in WordPress

By The WordPress Helpers

Redacted Text in WordPress, done the wrong way

Just because someone has a pulpit doesn’t mean you should listen to them.

To Syed Balkhi’s credit, he points out that the plug-in he’s pointed you at doesn’t actually do what it claims to do. And thank goodness Syed points it out, because the plug-in author … doesn’t.

It’s a cute idea, but until there’s clear documentation that WordPress Guerilla Redacted Text redacts nothing, you need to steer clear.

Oh, and by the way; we don’t much like the way the WordPress Redaction is done, either. A shortcode that works only in the Redacted text plug-in? No go.

Did you ever want to redact some text in your WordPress blog posts? Redaction is the term used for editing text by blacking out sensitive parts of it. In this article, we will show you how to redact text in WordPress showing the user that some text has been redacted but not giving up the text.
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<center>The WordPress Helpers: Making WordPress Work</center>
How (Not) To Do Redacted Text in WordPress
Article Title:
How (Not) To Do Redacted Text in WordPress
Redacted text in WordPress? Sure, but this isn't the way. One plug-in pretends to redact text in WordPress while actually redacting ... nothing