WordPress Theme Lock-In

WordPress Theme Lock-In

By The WordPress Helpers

WordPress Theme Lock-In

What controls the way your WordPress site looks and acts? There’s more to WordPress than Themes, Plug-ins and Widgets, but those things manage most of the heavy lifting. So, simple not simple idea:

Let’s Talk WordPress Theme Lock-In

Our buddy Tom McFarlin recently held forth on WordPress Theme Lock-In, and as usual, Tom’s got it down. WordPress Theme Lock-In is a real concern, but there are more sides to the story than just holding a hard line on the topic. As Tom pointed out when he discussed WordPress Theme Evolution, there will always be variables.

Broadly, we believe in the main point Tom makes in his piece: Themes are for presentation, plugins are for functionality. But with that guideline acknowledged, we also feel the need to throw in some hard pragmatism:

Replacing your WordPress theme is never as simple as you think it will be, so maybe mixing functionality to create ease of implementation and reduce plug-in bloat is a good idea.

This is the largest reason we’re OK with and often recommend Elegant Themes’ Divi theme. Divi builds a lot in that obviates the need for Plug-ins, but getting out of Divi without editing every page of your site is impossible. And maybe that’s OK.

Give Tom’s piece a read. As with his thoughts on Training Errors, Tom McFarlin’s thoughts on WordPress Theme Lock-in are worth listening to.

Source: Tom McFarlin 
WordPress Theme Lock-In
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WordPress Theme Lock-In
Article Title:
WordPress Theme Lock-In
Are you in danger of being a victim of WordPress Theme Lock-In? Should WordPress Theme Lock-In even concern you? Tom McFarlin on WordPress Theme Lock-in.