WordPress Aint Perfect

WordPress Aint Perfect

By The WordPress Helpers

WordPress Aint Perfect

Speaking of great things that come out of the WordPress Community (as we did earlier today), we’d like to point you at a very cool piece at WPMUDEV.

WordPress Ain’t Perfect–but Neither Are the People Who Use It

There are some cool WordPress things going on in Australia, as well as some less-cool things. The musings of WPMUDEV’s Daniel Pataki showed up here once before. Daniel’s a bright guy, and WPMUDEV is running one of the most intelligent WordPress add-on businesses around; let’s put WPMUDEV on the “cool WordPress Down Under” side of the ledger.

We’re going to stop right there. Go read Daniel Pataki’s thoughts on what’s right and what’s not so right about WordPress.

Oh, wait: Did you pick up on what we were shooting for with the spelling of WordPress Aint Perfect? No? Keep looking …

Source: WPMUDEV 
WordPress Aint Perfect
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WordPress Aint Perfect
Article Title:
WordPress Aint Perfect
WordPress Aint Perfect, but it's awfully good. What else ain't perfect in "WordPress Aint Perfect"? We'll tell you: WordPress aint perfect, nor is SEO.