As with all hiring decisions, when seeking a WordPress Developer your success depends on the way you ask questions. Wouldn’t having, say, 15 Questions for WordPress Developers come in handy?
Last month the folks at Theme4Press published such a list, and while we could get picky about their questions for WordPress Developers, we aren’t going to; speaking literally some of the questions are obvious, others are almost meaningless, and still more are mostly useful in understanding a WordPress developer’s experience more than process, but it’s truly a great starting point.
As with many collections it’s the subtext that matters far more than the actual answers. Will you understand a developer’s answer to how he or she undertakes or provides for SEO, for example? Maybe not.
But if looking for a gem of a WordPress theme isn’t your style, selecting a WordPress theme feels like it’s a bit over your head, or the idea of slogging through this subject using theme concepts is confusing, check out the people-based approach at Theme4Press.
Unless you’d rather shop at the Walmart of WordPress Development.
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