Good content needs to be simple to read—or “Simply Read”
In Melbourne, Australia a design student has released a WordPress theme that will make your words simple to read. For that matter Simply Read will make writing your words pretty simple, too. Not to mention laying out your posts attractively and simply.
Themes come up here pretty frequently, and for good reason; it was the idea of themes being too hard for people to understand that lead to us starting The WordPress Helpers. So Simply Read is right up our alley. It’s simple to install, simple to learn, simple to use, and best of all Simply Read makes access to pretty much all of its features the kind of thing that even a WordPress newbie will be able to understand, just by clicking around. Simply Read, indeed!
Forget Special Themes for Business Types. Simply Read is simply a terrific free WordPress blogging theme, and in the world of WordPress Theme Evolution deserves at the very least to have “a seat at the table”.
If you want your WordPress musings to be read simply, make it simple on yourself and check this baby out. No, it isn’t for advanced business needs, but for blogging and just plain looking great, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better get-it-up-and-running-right-now package than Phillip’s Simply Read. And what more can you ask for than that?
The Simply Read WordPress Theme makes your words Simply ReadWe'll send a weekly email with the latest information, recommendations, quick WordPress tips and more. We're serious about privacy and won't spam you or sell your information.
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