WordPress User Roles

WordPress User Roles

By The WordPress Helpers

WordPress User Roles and Bob Dunn

Want to Contribute to The WordPress Helpers? Let’s start with a quick quiz; if you become a WordPress Helpers content contributor, what color in the chart you see here will represent the rights according to “WordPress User Roles” that we assign you?

Anyone can register to be a user here—it’s how you join The WordPress Helpers Community—and you start out “black”. Subscriber is the lowest level of access to a WordPress site.* Depending on the things you do for The WordPress Helpers or any WordPress-managed site, your abilities can be increased by the site administrator or by WordPress itself.

Bob Dunn created a chart some time ago that lays out the abilities each user is assigned depending on WordPress user roles, and it’s about as good a representation of this as you’ll find. Kudos, Bob.

For most purposes, the default behavior of WordPress user roles will suffice. But if you feel like you need to tweak things, there’s a WordPress plug-in that’s got nearly 1.7 million downloads and has amassed a cumulative user rating of 4.3 out of 5.

Do you actually need to mess with what User Role Editor can do for you? Almost certainly not. Still, it’s nice to know that despite what seems like a rigid, too-simplistic model for things, managing WordPress User Roles can be both simple, and effective.

* technically this isn’t right; you can be registered as a WordPress site user but literally have no rights assigned

Source: BobWP 
Bob Dunn on the Role of User Roles in WordPress
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WordPress User Roles
Article Title:
WordPress User Roles
What role do WordPress User Roles play and why do you care? "WordPress the publishing platform" lets colaboration happen amongs people with different WordPress user roles.