Navigating The WordPress Helpers
Getting Around The WordPress Helpers is easy. Just Keep Clicking!
Want a little more guidance? We’ve broken The WordPress Helpers into a few basic categories. There’s a section where you can learn about WordPress, another where you can find out about us, one where The WordPress Helpers Community meets over virtual coffee, and a market where you can buy goods and services that The WordPress Helpers has either vetted for you, or sells directly.
Email TWPH CommunityIn our menu bar, there are four links. The one named HELPERS leads to pages where you can learn a little bit about us. INFO is your gateway to information about WordPress. Whether it’s our musings, or … <ahem> news-ings, you enter the WordPress Information vault through that passageway. We’ve got it arranged with pointers to categories that will populate over time; bear with us, or even better, contribute!
The WordPress Helpers Store is where you can SHOP for WordPress goods and services. Anything you find in our store is either from us, approved by us, or useful but … in need of some examination. Nobody can pay for placement in The WordPress Helpers Store. And the little head-and-shoulders icon? Click him and you’ll enter The WordPress Helpers Community.
We’re brand-new, so right now there isn’t a lot here. That will change, bit by bit, day by day. It will change faster if you contribute, and faster still if you tell your friends there’s a new place where they can become an important part of The WordPress Community.
Wondering how you can contribute? It can be as simple as following us on any of our social media accounts, and commenting on what you find there; we’ll answer; that’s a promise. If you have a story to tell, tell it. Want to see that story published here? Have a special interest or expertise in part of the WordPress ecosystem? We want to hear from you. Have a service you think deserves attention and want The WordPress Helpers Community to know about it? Then we want that, too.
The WordPress Helpers is here for you. So reach out any way you see fit, tell us what you need, or how you can help. Welcome to The WordPress Helpers.
Now start clicking!
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In The WordPress Helpers Community, there’s something for everyone. Join us, follow us, tell your friends, get involved.
Think you have something special to add? Are you a WordPress professional of any kind looking to form alliances? We’d love to talk.
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