We’re adamant that you should avoid using the WordPress Media Library whenever possible. That said, we understand that you’re going to use it anyway. So with respect to both WordPress Image Management and WordPress Image Sizing, today we point you once again at the work of Lorelle VanFossen.
Lorelle’s been here before, and while the lessons she presents sometimes suffer from imprecision, Ms. VanFossen knows her stuff, and how to explain it. And in this case Lorelle adds a great little extra to the lesson: how do you decide what size your images should be?
We see people made mistakes on WordPress Image Sizing every day. Too big? Bad. Too small? Also bad, in a different way; big images take too long to load—and might create storage problems for you—and small images just …. look bad. Lorelle Van Fossen is the Goldilocks of WordPress image sizing, explaining the matter about as well as we’ve seen. These images are sized jussssst right.
Interestingly, while she gets the image size perfect, on her site Lorelle uses a .PNG version of the image you see here, rather than a .JPG at one-third the file size. But that’s a story for another day.
Source: WordPress School with Lorelle VanFossen
WordPress Image Sizing at Lorelle VanFossen’s WordPress SchoolWe'll send a weekly email with the latest information, recommendations, quick WordPress tips and more. We're serious about privacy and won't spam you or sell your information.
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