In another piece published today, we tell you why The WordPress Security White Paper isn’t really about WordPress Security. Now let’s talk about The Story of WordPress, a not-yet-published book you can read right now if you have the patience to wade through it on Github.
The Story of WordPress—or The Story of WordPress, since after all this is an authorized “biography”—is like most biographies; it’s something of a labor of love. Also like most biographies, The Story of WordPress won’t be terribly interesting except to people who were already more expert in its topic than reading The Story of WordPress will do much to augment.
That’s OK.
There are plenty of “WordPress stories” already in print. Unless Matt Mullenweg feels he’s been treated either unfairly or not explained completely enough the book doesn’t need to break new ground. Like the WordPress Security White Paper, Milestones: The Story of WordPress‘ real job is to spread the news about WordPress; it’s a content marketing vehicle designed to tell “The WordPress Story” in a way that benefits Automattic.
And WordPress isn’t about technology; it’s about telling stories. You knew that, right?
Source: The WordPress Book
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