Other than complete deletion of your WordPress site, nothing is more scary then encountering the WordPress White Screen of Death.
Unless you’re Stack Overflow; then true dread is spelled w-o-r-d-p-r-e-s-s, to start with.
We’ve run into the WordPress White Screen of Death a few times when clients zigged while intending to zag, and actually encountered it just a couple of days ago at The WordPress Helpers. And we knew how to recover, but … would you?
Over the weekend the folks at WPMUDEV ran a piece on the subject, and while by no means complete—because there is no complete tutorial possible on the WordPress white screen of death—it’s pretty solid. WPMUDEV might be math challenged, but they know their stuff technically!
WordPress Ain’t Perfect, and there isn’t really “one way to fix broken WordPress,” but if you hit the dreaded WordPress White Screen of Death you’ll be well on your way to recovery if you start at WPMUDEV’s primer.
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