Einstein Was a WordPress Expert

By The WordPress Helpers

Einstein was a WordPress Expert

A few WordPress Experts pop up here regularly. Lorelle VanFossen is a WordPress Expert in training. Bob Dunn is a slightly different kind of WordPress Expert. And Tom McFarlin is … Well, he’s a WordPress Expert, and his skills go much farther than that.

Albert Einstein, of course, was not a WordPress Expert. He could have been were he around today; maybe he would have even wanted to! But the father of the Special Theory of Relativity had bigger things on his mind.

Which is not to say that WordPress is small.

Shooting as it is for a 50% share of the Internet, WordPress is anything but small. At the same time, Mario Peshev argues,  there’s no such thing as a WordPress Expert.

We disagree.

It’s not that Mr. Peshev isn’t making a great point, as he has before. Mario’s point is that WordPress is too broad a topic for someone to be an expert in, and broadly there’s some truth that. Is a WordPress Expert someone who knows about Content Marketing or Content Management Systems? A Programming geek? A Designer? A Trainer? A Social Media Guru?

Since the answer is “yes”, Mario’s point sounds like it makes sense:

[clickToTweet tweet=”@mpeshev: There’s no such thing as a WordPress Expert” quote=”You can’t be a WordPress Expert, because you can’t be an expert in all the things that make up WordPress.”]

But that’s why The WordPress Helpers is here.

Are we holding ourselves up as WordPress Experts? Sure we are. But we’re also making a very specific point:

A WordPress Expert Needs to Know a Lot of Things About a Lot of Things

And we do, and we’re proud of that. And at some level there’s wisdom in the idea that one person company? can’t know everything about WordPress. But the real issue is this: to be any good at WordPress you need to learn about quite a few things. We didn’t even mention databases above. Or human-level communications!

So again, we say Mario Peshev is wrong; There is such thing as a WordPress Expert. And you know who’s a WordPress Expert?

Mario Peshev.

Source: DEVWP.EU 
Einstein was a WordPress Expert
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Einstein was a WordPress Expert
Article Title:
Einstein was a WordPress Expert
Einstein was no WordPress Expert. Had WordPress been around in Einstein's time he's still not have been a WordPress Expert. But not because he couldn't be.