Over at Answer Guy Central, I once wrote an article about people who can’t find their “any” key. It’s a funny idea, and probably more so to computer geeks. But it’s also a real-world occurrence and while people “in the know” often choose to see those less enlightened as dumb, that’s not exactly correct.
Why Does WordPress Not Work Like My Other Software?
Everyone sees through the filters they build over time. We addressed part of this issue in another post today, and then while I was wading through stories to pass you this afternoon I stumbled on the post you see linked below. It’s mostly one more collection of WordPress tips, and not even an especially well organized or focused example of the genre.
Then I got to point #12: Writing Your Post In Microsoft Word First. And I stopped in my tracks. It’s an example of people having major issues adjusting. It’s very much a why does WordPress not work like my other software? issue, and it can be looked at from either side of the equation and yield the same results. Is it a matter of doing extra work unnecessarily? Yes. Is it a matter of doing so because you’re having a hard time adjusting to that “why does WordPress not work like other software issue? Again, yes.
Why does software “A” not work like software “B”? Because it doesn’t. Or actually—and this isn’t even a joke—to get to the other side. We’ve worked with people who complained about WordPress even as we helped them make it do amazing things for their business bottom lines, just because it wasn’t the same as something else they’d grown accustomed to.
Managing WordPress can be quite involved, but it’s rarely difficult. Even so, if you aren’t quite sure where you are or where you need to be, well, that’s why we’re here.
Source: GreenGeeks
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