A few weeks ago we ran a piece on how Tom McFarlin looks at Free WordPress Business Process. Tom develops WordPress Themes and Plug-ins, and that piece talked about—essentially—giving away themes and selling support.
Tom McFarlin is the Gillette of WordPress.
Today, Tom dropped a post on a slightly different issue: what do you do when you’re providing support through a forum someone else runs? Oh, and by the way, not getting paid.
At PC-VIP, Business Process R Us, and here at The WordPress Helpers WordPress Business Process Be We. Not surprisingly, it occurred to me immediately that what Tom was talking about was a business process problem—one he’s solved by tweaking the rules.
We like tweaking rules here.
Before we ever started The WordPress Helpers—one reason we did, actually—we’d observed that in order to survive in the land of WordPress you need to get comfortable with the idea of tweaking a lot of things. And this is becoming more the case as WordPress matures, not less, and we consider it our mission to fix that.
Take a look at Tom McFarlin’s ideas about supporting WordPress when at some levels the mother ship has bound your wrists. It reminds us of the story Kim Gjerstad of MailPoet tells; WordPress is an amazing product with a fanatical developer base. And it’s time WordPress Business Process was about the growth of things besides market share.
Source: Tom McFarlin
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