Hunting for WordPress Community

A Hunt for WordPress Community

By The WordPress Helpers

The Hunt for a WordPress Community

For all the lip service paid to the ideas of social networking and creating communities, the first matters and is how you do the second. They matter more every day, and one of the reasons The WordPress Helpers is here is that we believe a more robust, more accessible WordPress Community is important.

Yes, we’d like it to live here. Yes, we’d like to to think we matter, too. And that changes nothing; we all need a stronger WordPress Community.

I came across an article a little while back that addressed the issue from multiple angles, mostly pertaining to the fact that people congregate around news. It’s true; religion, sex, and politics may be too difficult to converse on reliably and remain civil, but news is the heartbeat of community, and The WordPress Community is no exception to this.

It’s why news is included here … that, and news is a great tool to keep you coming back. Op-Ed counts, by the way. Keep reading. Comment if you like and we’ll comment back because we aren’t just building you a WordPress community; we’re part of your WordPress Community.

Thanks for being here. Now, leave for a few minutes: take a read of this:

Source: Social and Habit-Forming News Products 
Why social is key to creating habit-forming news products
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The Hunt for WordPress Community
Article Title:
The Hunt for WordPress Community
A hunt for WordPress Community needn't be too difficult; it's The WordPress Helpers mission. But WordPress Community means identifying and connecting. How're you doing creating and connecting with your WordPress Community?