WordPress Filters

WordPress Filters: Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty

By The WordPress Helpers

WordPress Filters

At The WordPress Helpers we talk about all things WordPress. From simple user issues to advanced code, we have something here for you, no matter what you’re looking to find.

During the time we were planning The WordPress Helpers, the series we’ve linked here on creating filters was rolled out at TutsPlus. Let’s talk WordPress Filters; it’s one of those topics that could keep you busy for a very long time, pretty much regardless of your level of expertise in WordPress.

Filters are code. Not a coder? Not comfortable dropping code into your functions.php file? Don’t even know what that means? Functions.php is the file in WordPress … specifically in your WordPress Theme … that controls special actions. It loads up in a way that controls and overrides the “normal way WordPress would do things”. So for example, while WordPress’ current default theme 2015 would show a blog with three posts in it running in reverse chronological order, another WordPress theme might give you the option to change the way things look, while maintaining the reverse-order idea:

2015 Theme WordPress Filters Default Presentation 
GliderTheme WordPress Filters Default Presentation 

But what if, as with the stories at The WordPress Helpers, you didn’t want to simply present all posts in reverse chronological order? You could add plug-ins to control that—and most users will—or you could insert special functions (WordPress Filters, get it?) into functions.php to make special things happen under special conditions.

TutsPlus gives you fifty of those WordPress filters. And while we don’t believe very many end users will be well suited to doing things this way, the tutorial is worth poking through, if only so you can understand a bit more about what’s happening inside WordPress the next time something blows up.

And of course if you’re a developer it’s a great little library of ready-to-use WordPress filters for your next project.

Source: Tuts+ 
WordPress Filters at TutsPlus
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Get Your Hands Dirty with WordPress Filters
Article Title:
Get Your Hands Dirty with WordPress Filters
Want to get your hands dirty in WordPress? Try using WordPress Filters. And while this method will be beyod most people, these WordPress Filters rock.