Top WordPress Hosting Providers

The Top WordPress Hosting Providers

By The WordPress Helpers

The Top WordPress Hosting Providers

Besides security and maintenance—OK, right up there with security and maintenance—the most important issue for making your WordPress site work well is your choice and style of hosting.

This weeks the folks at LoadStorm and ReviewSignal released a study purporting to list the top WordPress Hosting Providers. It’s a nice resource, and while frankly we’d never even heard of most of the companies that made the list—and were not the least surprised to see the high ranking for the company in position #2—the company with the third best results was a shock.

GoDaddy. Yes, seriously, GoDaddy. The same GoDaddy that our sister service Answer Guy Central coined as NoDaddy when they all but blew up the Internet a couple of years ago.

Snark notwithstanding, and having no interest in contesting the findings in this study, we’d like to make an important point: the top WordPress hosting providers will change from day to day, differ from region to region, and shift depending on the type of hosting you need. The one thing you must have a handle on when selecting a host is service. Trust us, we know

Surprises amongst the Top WordPress Hosting Providers
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The Top WordPress Hosting Providers
Article Title:
The Top WordPress Hosting Providers
Who are the Top WordPress Hosting Providers? This list from The Hosting News has at least one very big surprise.