Despite its title, the post we’ve linked below will not help you “choose the best platform for your personal website”. It will, however, help us prove what you already know: It’s …
Writing a WordPress Post: How Hard Can It Be?
In our piece on WordPress Hosting and Backup I mentioned that while we don’t generally recommend do-it-our-way hosting solutions, there are a few WordPress websites that thrive using simple themes with little-to-no customization. …
WordPress Hosting And Backup–Site Totally Deleted
“Site Totally Deleted”. Not something you ever want to see. And in WordPress—or using any other content management system—if it ever happens you probably won’t even know what it means. …
On Being a WordPress Handyman
Have you ever read something that was simultaneously simple and useless, and yet somehow poignant, amazing, and changed your day? A few days ago the folks at published a …
The Top WordPress Hosting Providers
Besides security and maintenance—OK, right up there with security and maintenance—the most important issue for making your WordPress site work well is your choice and style of hosting. This weeks the folks …
The Twenty Fifteen WordPress Theme
It’s almost time for WordPress 2015. Yes, I mean “WordPress in 2015, along with all the developments we see to help The WordPress Community move forward”. And that’s exciting. But more, …